
The base of a pyramid is a square with side lengths of 5 centimeters. The slant height of each lateral face of the pyramid is 6 centimeters. What is the surface area of the pyramid?

Accepted Solution

Answer:85 cm²Step-by-step explanation:The base is a square with side length 5 cm.  The area of this base isA = s² = (5 cm)² = 25 cm².If the slant height of each lateral face of the pyramid is 6 cm, then we can find the area of each such face using the area-of-a-triangle formula, A = (1/2)(base)(height), which here isA = (1/2)(5 cm)(6 cm) = 15 cm² per lateral side.The total area of these sides is 4(15 cm²) = 60 cm².Then the total surface area of the pyramid is A = 60 cm² +  25 cm²  = 85 cm².