
help i dont get this qestoin its confusing help i need help with all three. please help i will vote brainliest to whoever answers first please help !!!

Accepted Solution

Answer:17 T30 lb12 pt.Step-by-step explanation:Part 1 14 T 1000 lb + 2 T 1000 lb = 16 T 2000 lb = 17 T (Answer) Since we know that 2000 pounds( lb) = 1 Ton (T) Part 2 12 lb 8 oz + 17 lb 8 oz = 29 lb 16 oz = 30 lb (Answer) Since we know that 16 ounce (oz) = 1 pounds (lb) Part 3 7 pt 1 c + 4 pt 1 c = 11 pt 2c = 12 pt. (Answer) Since, we know that 2 cups (c) = 1 Pints (pt.)